网络 · 05/10/2006

终于收到Google Analytics Invitation 了

盼望了好久,今天终于收到邀请了。Google Analytics在刚出来的时候我就主意到了,可是却晚了一步,只好一次又一次的去主页上申请。在已经到了绝望的时候突然收到邀请了,好高兴哦。

We are ready for you to create your Google Analytics account! Please follow the instructions below to redeem your invitation code.


Notice: If your site receives more than 5 million pageviews per month, you must have a linked AdWords account with at least one active campaign. Use Option 1 below to automatically link your AdWords account.

If your site receives more than 5 million pageviews per day, please contact us by replying to this message before signing up so that we can ensure proper capacity planning.


Option 1: If you have an AdWords account

Signing up for Analytics is easy to do through your AdWords account:

Log in to your AdWords account at and click the Analytics tab

When prompted for your unique invitation code, enter the characters below:


That’s it, you’re done! Skip to the bottom of this message.

Option 2: If you don’t have an AdWords account

To sign up without an AdWords account, you’ll need to first make sure that you have a free Google Account before continuing with the sign-up process.

A Google Account is a single email address and password combination that allows you to log in to a variety of Google services, including Analytics, AdWords, Google Groups and your personalized Google home page.

To create your free Google Account, click the link below. Once you’ve provided your information, you’ll need to respond to the verification email that we send you.

Next, add Google Analytics to your Google Account. Click the link below to start the Google Analytics sign-up process, and enter your Google Account information in the login box provided.

When prompted for your unique invitation code, enter the characters below:



Thanks for your interest in Google Analytics! For additional questions about goals, filters, tracking and more, please visit the Analytics Help Center. If you’re unable to find an answer to your question on our site, feel free to reply to this email.

Once you’ve installed Google Analytics, we invite you to explore the content in our Conversion University for ideas on best practices and useful techniques:


The Google Analytics Team