杂记 · 03/17/2009


67、Run the terminal with a single key-press(快速打开终端)assign a keyboard shortcut, click System ! Preferences ! Keyboard Shortcuts and look in the list for Run a Terminal, which will be under the Desktop heading. Click the word Disabled alongside it, and then hit Ctrl + Alt + t .
68、See the APT cow(APT彩旦)
Open a terminal window and type apt-get moo to see it.
(在终端输入apt-get moo)
Type apt-get -v moo to see it
(再输入apt-get –v moo 看看)
Then try adding some more vs to see what happens—apt-get -v moo, apt-get -vv moo, apt-get -vvv moo, and so on
(还可以加入更多的v。apt-get -v moo, apt-get -vv moo, apt-get -vvv moo。)