杂记 · 03/03/2009


21、Make fonts look superb(字体渲染)
To activate bytecode hinting, open a terminal window and type the following:
(激活bytecode hinting:)

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config

Using the cursor keys, select Native from the menu and then hit Enter.On the next screen you’ll be asked if you want to activate subpixel rendering. This is good for TFT screens, so make the choice (or just select Automatic). Next you’ll be asked if you want to activate bitmap fonts, which are non-true type fonts good for use at low point levels. There’s no harm in using them, so select yes. The program will quit when it’s finished. Once that’s happened, type the following to write the changes to the system and update files:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure defoma

Click System ! Quit ! Logout, and then log back in again. The difference should be noticeable immediately. Letters will appear more rounded and the antialiasing will appear better.
Bytecode hinting isn’t to everybody’s taste. If you don’t like it, just repeat the steps and enable autohinting again.
(Bytecode hinting渲染并不是每个人都喜欢。你可以重复上面的步骤重新起用autohinting 。)